
  • Brand identity
  • Marketing assets
  • Print design

Creating a brand identity for a characterful co-working space

HexSpace was created by HexStudio, a small and independent creative studio. We set up HexSpace as we believe life is better when we collaborate and create together. Our aim was to develop a characterful and flexible co-working environment.

We developed a brand and visual identity which showcases HexSpace’s core values of community, versatility and creative culture. The branding is intentionally simple and contemporary and surrounded by a colourful and vibrant visual world to add lots of personality.

Brand logo and brand colour design
Together with the members of HexSpace we developed a bespoke set of HexSpace characters that are a representation of  creative expression and personalities. The characters start off as a blank canvas and each member contributes their own personal design of geometric shapes and patterns.

The library of characters is continuously expanding as HexSpace evolves and new members contribute their unique characters. To reflect the brand’s ethos, the character application follows a flexible and creative system of scaling, cropping and rotating.

Brand asset design - print design
Brand design - typography
Brand guidelines
Brand design - print design
Brand design - print design
Brand asset design - print design
Brand asset design - brand icons
Brand design - print design
The brand identity was brought to life across the interiors of HexSpace, printed marketing materials, social assets and animations and adapted to work with the events that take place at HexSpace.

Each member received a personal goody bags with bespoke items using their character design.

Brand design - merchandise design
Brand design - merchandise design
Brand design - print design
Brand asset design - print design
Co-working space website design example
Co-working space website design example
Co-working space website design example
Brand design - social content design
Brand design - signage design
Brand asset design - brand stationery
Brand design - signage design
Brand asset design - print design
Brand asset design - social content design
Animation design
Brand asset design - social content design
Brand guidelines layout
Brand asset design - social content design
Brand design - signage design
Brand design - signage design
Brand design - signage design
Brand design - signage design